Our Price Guarantee

Best Price Guarantee -

Clearstile guarantees the best prices on any comparable product. No competitor can match our prices!

How to avail of the Best Price Guarantee -

Provide us with a written quotation from another ROI competitor for identical products and quantities and we will guarantee to beat that price.

Terms and Conditions -

  1. A written quotation from a ROI competitor must be provided to us.

  2. The quote must include the competitor’s name, product descriptions, unit pricing, discount structure, and any delivery charges.

  3. Products must be identical in brand, size, and specification.

  4. Delivery terms must match ours, including delivery charges and timescales.

    Note - Beating promotional prices is at our discretion, and we do not beat prices on ex-display or second-grade items. The margin by which we beat competitors’ prices is at our discretion. Our Price Guarantee applies only before your purchase with us. We’ll match the price of an item; other services may be excluded.